Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert – Book Review – WPP Book Club

Hello everybody!

I hope you are having a lovely day.

I would like to share to you the latest book I read. It is not exactly one of the most recents books that were released. I also was quite late in getting my copy (which I regret but better late than never and am so glad I did). It was an exquisite and inspiring read.

Long story short, the book I am talking about is Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic – Creative Living Beyond Fear”.
The book resonated to me, as I am someone who struggled in bringing back creative living in my life – having kept it in the back seat (on silent mode) for a good few years in my life until it itched its way back super strongly (as the saying goes: “Chassez-le naturel, il revient au galop”).
It used to come effortlessly to me when I was a child and in my teenage years. Then, I stopped. Even when – mind you it kicked back and I went to study in ALBA (Academie Libanaise des Beaux Arts) and let my creative side loose. And it was a blast!! But then, something again happened and I stopped again…

Until it started to jiggle in me again and kick me back in the butt wanting to express itself – regardless the outcome. To which Elizabeth Gilbert rightfully says “An abiding stereotype of creativity is that it turns people crazy. I disagree: Not expressing creativity turns people crazy. (…) Bring forth what is within you, then, whether it succeeds or fails, (…) It doesn’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to be Plato. It’s all just an instinct and an experiment and a mystery, so begin. Begin anywhere, preferably right now. And if greatness should ever accidentally stumble upon you, let it catch you hard at work. Hard at work, and sane”. Ouhhh!!! This just rang right home for me!!!!

I simply loved this piece among other extracts I can dig out now, but I actually did that in the vlog – have a look at it here.

It was not a book I was able to put down easily. Either I would fall asleep while reading or I had to tend to my work thus needed to stop. “Sinon”, here I was with my nose and thoughts stuck in the book.
Sometimes, I burst into laughter (even in public places like the beach or coffee shops I took this book at – yes yes) and sometimes I just sat there and as I was reading, I dreamt off and wondered… about the people mentioned in the book; the author as if she was RIGHT next to me…. and then… I wondered about myself, my path and most importantly: of what becomes possible again ❤

Let me know if you have read the books what your thoughts are. I would love to connect and discuss wit you 🙂 And if you haven’t and are considering reading it, write me.






‘No to Stress, Yes to Success’ – Coaching Workshop 8th of July, 2017.

Hello everyone,

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
This blog post is dedicated to our event that happened last Saturday “No to Stress, Yes to Success”. It was a coaching workshop led by coaches Juliana Tawil and Elie Khoury.

We selected Padova Hotel in Horch Tabet as it presented to us a good location for our attendees (it was a good in-between for everyone for this specific event).

After greeting the attendees, coach Elie Khoury started with his part of the workshop which focused on the posture, success techniques and mindset exercises to name a few. He took the attendees with his elegant attitude and approachable presentation through the workshop, replying to questions and caring for the attendees’ receiving a benefit of the event. Which is also a trait that coach Juliana Tawil also shares deeply with him.

I met both coaches Juliana and Elie as we were completing our Leadership and Executive Coaching certificates around 3 years  back. They became close friends of mine and I was very happy to prepare this event with them.
As I introduced the workshop and the coaches, the trait of caring for the development of the people they encounter is heart warming. I share that with them as well, so it was a pleasure to organize this event from A to Z.

After the coffee break (which was quite rich not only in food but in discussions, questions, interest that had stroke the lovely people who came to the event), it was up for coach Juliana, who took us through her part of the workshop.
She focused on working on stress, how to manage yourself and different aspects of your life. How you can recognize stress and work to reduce it, finishing up with meditation and exercise to close the event beautifully in a way that is unique to her.

To finish things up, we had delicious healthy treat from Pometto Apple Chips I posted below some photos of the event. You can also check out the vlog I released a few days back (link also here).

I would love to know your thoughts and if interested to take parts of events like these and others. Looking forward to staying in touch and hearing from you. Your words and thoughts would mean a lot.



Whom I am with:
– Coach Juliana Tawil:
– Coach Elie Khoury:
Pometto Apple Chips:
– Facebook:

– Instagram: pomettoapplechips

My links:
– Facebook and YouTube: White Paper Packages
– Email:
– Instagram: white_paper_packages
– Twitter: @PackagesPaper

Weekend in Ehden – Roadtrips and mini hike.

Hello everybody!!

I hope you are having a fantastic week ahead! I have finally edited my vlog on my weekend in Ehden (which was the weekend before my very first event.  You can also click on the link here: (it is uploading as I am writing this and I am super excited and missing so much editing, vlogging, blogging and writing in this creative pace).

I can’t wait to get back at this and do it more often. Who knows maybe one day, this is what I would do?

Our ride that weekend was quite special. We were sleeping over in Ehden and had a few stops. We picked up our morning coffee from one of our stops in Dunkin (i think we stopped at the Adma one) on our way to Jbeil. There, I had a small wait so I enjoyed a walk in the parc municipal, with my book and my coffee. Since we hadn’t had breakfast yet, a mankouche was a most and off we went.

We also wanted to take flowers with us and oh surprise that traffic in Amioun had us return and we stopped in a flower shop in Kfar Hazir, where the owner who did our lovely arrangement served us some coffee and we ended up chatting with her for much more than the time she had to make our little gift 🙂 Lebanese hospitality, you have it.

As we drove through the villages, we finally reached Ehden, it was quite a hot few days but still ever so beautiful. Got lucky to see the lavenders in full bloom which I always thought was magical 🙂 The second day, we treated ourselves with a morning mini-hike (before breakfast) which was quite a whiff of fresh air (for real and also for our bodies and mind – I miss this activity and should do that more).

After that we went for more road trips in the area and ended our weekend with a walk in the reserve Horch Ehden. I totally recommend you book yourself a weekend and in case you can’t, you can go up there and enjoy the day.

Here are some photos of my little escape. Beautiful colours, nature, energy everywhere.  You can also check out the vlog for more inspiration and for fun as well.

I would love to know how you like to spend your days off or weekends! Write me soon and would love to be in touch. Have a great rest of day (or night depending on what time you are reading this :))





An escape to Deir El Qamar

Hello guys!

Yes it has been a while I am away… Unfortunately, it has been hectic in the career part but felt like I needed a break. Although a lot of things are evolving, both within my thought process, myself, my work and my life, I pray that it would be only heading in the positive direction.

Today wished me a Happy Birthday in this current platform! I have also purchased a domain to which I hope I can move this present blog to – I still haven’t figured out how to do it yet but will be seeking some friendly help and support 🙂

But enough about my updates. I took a two weeks vacation and happened to jump over to Deir El Qamar for a well deserved escapade. I stayed in Deir El Oumara which I totally recommend and spent the few days there exploring and re-exploring the city and its surrounding villages, cities, natural wonders and landmarks.

Here are a few links and places to start with for sightseeing from Deir el Qamar, Beiteddine, Baakline and more:
– Shouf Biosphere – Al Shouf Cedar Natural Reserve:
– Kfarheem Grotto – discovered in 1974 and is over 4 million years old.
– Baakline waterfalls.
– Beiteddine and its wonderful palaces, Marie Baz wax museum, the Midene – Dany Chamoun Square. Deir El Qamar also has palaces to muse on, the history, culture, religious landmarks of these villages to name but a few points, along with the restaurants, people’s hospitality and beautiful mood all over. It has been listed as UNESCO World Heritage site since 1999.

Stay in:
– Deir el Oumara:
– Bouyouti:

Try to go to the kiosk and restaurants that are in the areas where locals are. You can find some yummy surprises there. Had dinner at the Kiosk where its host was quite welcoming and we enjoyed a lovely dinner with locals playing backgrammon with arguileh and in the middle a “sobia” that heated the place.

Also, make sure to check out the Beiteddine Art Festival for this year’s top events! It was launched today 🙂 here are the main concerts and performances happening:

My roadtrip to Zaarour!!

This is a relatively late blog as the vlog came out a while ago! I went up to Zaarour and enjoyed a little escape. But I thought it would still be nice to share to you my little escapade there along with some photos.

I woke up this morning, feeling full of energy and I didn’t want to miss out the day because I was worried that it will be snow and storm as the weather predictions were saying.

But it seemed that the storm will be fashionably late – YAY for me! So I took this opportunity and made myself a fresh juice and a Nescafe, grabbed some chocolate, jumped in my car and off I was to Zaarour to see the snow.


I have been nagging and saying to everyone that I had to see the snow. I miss the snow, bla bla bla! Just like I keep saying I miss the sea and I want to see the sea. If anybody who knows me reading this, they will definitely relate 😀 They know how much I love the sea. But I also missed the snow terribly as I used to ski since I was 5 years old and due to some injuries (my knee) and feet operation, I can’t ski until further notice.

Hoping that in 2017 I will get fit again and try to get back at skiing. Crossing fingers. But I just had to see the snow that day so ski or no ski I was going!! And off we go, woohoo!!

Needless to say, that I was as a kid 🙂 Jumping up and down in the car when I saw the snow. Litterally, all over! SO gorgeous, so white! So prettyyyyy! I don’t regret this mini solo roadtrip at all. I removed my glasses to enjoy the colours of the surroundings.

Talej, talej, talej.*

Thanks to my trusty google map I was able to enjoy the drive while getting my directions.

As I arrived to Zaarour, I went to Zaarour Club. I was just so happy with the organization. I admit I was lucky that the weather forecast was foreseeing a storm – very few people were up there (and they were right because the storm made its appearance a mere 2 hours after I arrived). So here we go, my little tour.

I started by being greeted with really nice parking attendants and staff, went to Le Grand Chalet, a luxury boutique hotel with 5 luxury rooms, 6 junior suites, 3 family suites and 2 roof suites (coolness!). It has a lounge area with a modern fireplace, which I guess is where I chillaxed.

As I sat cozily on the couch and relaxed in the lobby, I sipped a delicious hot chocolate with the lovely view of the snowy slope in front of me! And, to make things more wintery, the Christmas tree was there. Ah, le reve de quelques heures de repos dans le calme et la neige!

After that, I wanted to see the snow, more up close. I drove to La Cabane du Chef which is a French restaurant then off to the slopes. There, I enjoyed the view and was quite happy to see a modern ski resort – which brought some comfort even though I couldn’t ski. Then it got chillier than it already was. The storm was heading full speedio so I had to go back to Beirut (also be back for the family Sunday lunch).

Zaarour Club, I was quite happy to visit even if it was a short trip and surely would like to visit again, either to Le Grand Chalet for a stay or hopefully when I get fitter to come and ski! To all who are skiing and snowboarding I wish you a happy winter season full of snow in all the Lebanese mountains and slopes. Check out here when you have some free time my vlog about it 🙂 It’s basically the roadtrip and a little tour here and there at Zaarour Club.

If you ever visit, I truly hope you enjoy it! Write me your thoughts and let me know what you experienced or if you would be interested in checking it out.

Happy weekend to all!!





* snow, snow, snow.

How can we engage with each other in the work place?

Be it managerial or peer to peer and other employees, there are some things one can think of and approach regarding the work place. Especially if you have a few issues to overcome with some of your peers or employees.

How to all be aligned, be engaged and move forward to make things happen is crucial and there is no magical sauce to it but a clear mindset and an agenda ready to work with, meet with the people, work around it and keep the big picture or what might come out of it in mind towards the set goals.

Here are a few points that can help you:

  • What metrics have been set?
  • What would be the best outcome for you. An important note is that by breaking a goal, task, target, ANYTHING – into small step by steps and to dos is key to simplify, sharpen your vision and focus on the little steps, what needs to be done and later the big outcome will show up.
  • Where do you want to start? (The next steps will show up later on). What has been happening that you want to work on?
  • Write your thoughts down and think: “What else?”… See what might come up, if things are blurry.
    digital composite of hands using notebook with graphics
  • What is the clarity of these metrics? How were they shared with the employees or peers? Sometimes, metrics are not shared – so how do you expect things to get done if your peeps have no clue about it?
  • Separately, what is their clarity on their challenges and what do they need to do? It is important to note that when you get clear, you know where you are going, you will be able to get to the bottom line earlier.
  • What was their feedback on the metrics (both employees and management)? Surprising things, ideas might come out.
  • What is the logic system proposed?
  • What are the methods that management can work with the employees to engage with them?
  • How were they approached? Assess the communication (if it was done properly or not).
    Concept of teamwork: Close-Up of hands business team showing un
  • Where is the gap? How can it be closed?
  • How to understand the management style (of each), see if that opens anything up?
  • Understand the mind, the goal, either/or or both… It can be a strategy and goal setting issue and not just an engaging issue. Something to think about… Check if the presenting problem is actually the real problem.
  • What can be done? What is the direction you would think is now the time to opt for?
  • On another hand, what does it look like when all is going well?
  • What becomes possible when all is aligned towards a same target? What are you willing to give (and do more) and what are you willing to do less to make it happen?
  • What if you try a role-play? How would it look?
  • Set up expectations.

Get moving 🙂


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My interview with Lyssa Miskawi – ICF Accredited Executive and Career Coach!

I am very pleased to release the interview done with my friend Lyssa Miskawi, Leadership & Executive Coach and Career Coach.

1) Hello Lyssa, how are you today? Can you tell our viewers a bit about you?
Hello, I am Lyssa Miskawi, Executive and Career Coach accredited from the ICF (International Coaching Federation). My aim is to help my clients move through any transition smoothly and effectively, in work or in life.
In addition, I am a Human Resources Manager for a group of restaurants in Lebanon.

2) What has prompted you to become a coach?
I wanted to become a coach because I love making a positive difference in people’s lives. I started helping people solve their problems professionally during my work in Human Resources. I found it made my job interesting and exciting.
Accordingly, I decided to develop my coaching skills to better support people and gain personal growth, and especially that, based on a research done by the International Coaching Federation, coaching leads to increased productivity, more self-satisfaction and improved relationships…

3) And how did you find the experience?
It was amazing and so enriching! I enjoyed every bit of the learning experience as I acquired the coaching skills to help clients develop a personalized way of thinking that suits their aspirations and needs.

4) In what ways did coaching impact your work and your life?
Coaching helped me a lot in my work as Human Resources Manager where I deal with employees every day. The way I communicate with team members, how I address any issue with them, how I support in the development of leaders and their teams, etc. improved a lot after acquiring coaching skills.
Now I ask more questions in a certain coaching way to really understand the person, and with my questioning he/she is finding his/her own solutions and answers in a very smooth and efficient way.
Leaders are referring back more to me on ways to develop better their teams and get the best out of them. Also in disciplinary cases, the errant employee really understands the negative impact of his action on the business, colleague, flow of work and most importantly himself.
And I am seeing positive changes and results, more promotions, reduced conflicts, better management of problems, increased communication, etc.
I truly recommend every HR Manager to develop his/her coaching skills to advance their role in the organization.

5) What are your thoughts on the coaching culture implementation at work?
In my role as HR Manager, I initiated a coaching culture in the organizations. The pain point was that, in the fast moving environment of our business, our leaders were always busy and preoccupied with their day to day operational job while not investing much time in properly leading and developing their teams. They mainly manage their employees by giving instructions and punishing them when the job required was not properly met. We wanted our leaders to understand the huge impact they had on their team’s performance and how investing time in leading their employees will provide them with a great return translating in a more productive and autonomous team. This can only be done through coaching.
Our leaders were very well trained on coaching skills so that coaching becomes the basis of managing their teams. I wanted leaders to start conducting one on ones with their team members and communicate with them by really actively listening to them. This required lots of practice to refine their coaching skills and so that leaders can observe the positive results in their coachees. Accordingly the coaching practice lasted 7 months and leaders are still coaching their employees till this date.

Now you can see that leaders communicate better and more frequently with their teams, they provide guidance and support and not just instructions and punishment, they believe more in the potential of their team members and they are working on developing their skills and promote from within, productivity and motivation increased.

6) Not only did you study Leadership and Executive Coaching but also you studied Career Coaching and now are practicing in both. Last time we sat together, we talked about Transition Coaching as your niche. From your HR and coaching experience, can you share a bit about this?
Every person will go through transitions in life, whether it is a new job, new company, new business, new relationships, new ways of work, new country, or any loss that requires a new beginning etc. especially that the pace of life is very fast nowadays and change is the only constant and nothing stands still.
We tend to resist change, even if it is beneficial for us, as we are used to some ways of doing things, habits, behaviors and beliefs that served us in the past, and a comfort zone that it is hard to step out of. I help my clients go through any transition period smoothly and efficiently to embrace change, keep on moving forward and be more fulfilled in life.

7) Thank you so much for your time! And if we would want to contact or reach you how can we find you?
You can like my page “Lyssa, your personal executive coach” (link: and contact me at – Mobile +96171037887.

Things that make me happy.

Hello everybody!

How are you all? Hope you are doing well today.
From my part, I try to always look on the positive side of life, no matter what we might be going through. Ever since I took in the fact that I must embrace and enjoy the small things in life (at a very early age) – because truly and humbly, they really are the big things – I felt the urge to find happiness in all and nothing.

So I drafted my small list of things that make me happy. It’s always a work in process and I wish I could fit them all but I always add and add and add 🙂

My list so far:
– Road-trips with friends and family (including picnics and camping which I deeply miss).
– Touring and exploring my own country as well as others. Who said you can’t discover what’s around you?
– Morning coffee with my parents – because I enjoy the peaceful morning time with them before we rush off to our separate works and duties.
– Sharing meals with friends – especially when discovering new spots.
– Sunday family lunches – because we know how to really nwalle3a 😀
– Days at the beach (ideally extending to sunsets and nights <3).
– Walks in the cities and villages (so many city to walk in and see its hidden treasures and so many hikes!! I try to follow them all but one can do as much as one can! Who knows? Maybe one day :))
– Reading books and discussing about them! Everyone who knows me can attest since I was a child, I always had a book with me. With university and work, I drifted a bit from that but I am so glad that I am reading again! Perhaps not at the extent that I used to read when younger but I am happy I am reading for fun and not only for studies and self development.
I am enjoying as well sharing my love for books with others by checking out and participating when possible in the book events. There is Monot Street Book Market that happens usually once a month in Monot Street. Also there is BookYard founded by Eliane Abi Chedid who became a good friend. You can swap or sell your used and old books and it’s so refreshing to walk around in Byblos where the event usually takes place (one time it was at Colonel Beer). Meeting people, chatting, discoveries and the locations themselves take you to a different spot, for me it’s where I am happy.
– De-cluttering… I came into that since a few years back. De-cluttering comes on different terms: digital, clothes, shoes, books, you name it. It doesn’t happen quickly and only over time will you be able to release material and digital clutter once you are aware of them and how much you need in your life (daily and on the bigger scale).
– Discovering and re-discovering local products (Souk El Mawesem, Soap making in Tripoli, Saida, etc…). I wait for events anxiously to go and discover the small owners and the big ones alike and enjoy knowing their stories behind their business. Many do these at home, all come from different backgrounds and chatting with them is always fun and enriching and you get to know the personalities behind the old couple doing their homemade soaps in the North, the young lady who has works her arts and crafts and displays them in Jbeil or the apple makers or the trekkers, or the tour guides that take you to discover your country in ways you have not dreamt it was possible.
– Recycling, up-cycling, composting… I have discussed and made videos about this before. Ever since I was a child and heard about recycling and its process I wanted to get into it. And sadly with our current crisis, we must take this seriously more than ever. Some municipalities are taking action and responsibility and others unfortunately not so much. We can recycle from our homes, there are associations who handle recycling and many activists. I have friends who are also creating lamps and other arts and crafts from recycling material and the results are quite nice!
Here is the link for the recycling directories available in Lebanon: (I will share more in links section below). It starts from us and let’s help the ones already doing a great job in this, there is no need for waste to be thrown and sickness to be spreading, all the garbage can be treated.
Also you will here the link to the must watch documentary: (“A Zero Waste Lebanon” Documentary – produced by Leela, Love in Action, guided by Ziad Abi Chaker and directed by Nassif El Rayess).
– Planting baby trees – I love planting pine trees and oak trees in my small balcony at home. When they sprout, I try to care for them at home as much as possible until it’s time for planting. Usually, I see around with friends and family those who have plots of land to plant in – this makes me truly happy when I feel I was able to contribute in this specific topic as I have always been fond of trees and cared for them.

Ecology and climate change have always saddened me so it’s my little way of trying to make a difference.
I came about the page around a year or so ago of the Lebanese Reforestation Initiative ( Currently, on the 6th of November there is a planting trees event happening in the Chouf.
– Sunset views which we ravish with daily in Lebanon. And I mean it!!
– Cook and bake when possible. I always loved playing in the kitchen and cooking/baking. I am not the best at it but I enjoy the process of it 🙂 It adds a bit of fun to my day.
– Make candles, pamper care packages, paint small paintings. I had this on pause for a while but would hope to be getting back to it soon. Maybe after the New Year.
– Donate and help others. I won’t talk much about this topic as I feel each helps in his and her own way, be it from donating to charity organization, food, clothes to the churches or orphanages or associations you know, donating to families you know live close by and need your help from even if you are sending them tupperwares of food or even and I feel it falls in the most important, to donate your time to those who feel lonely.
This always pinches my heart as I see lonely people from all courses of life, from the youngest boy or girl to the teta (grandmother) or jeddo (grandfather) who wishes someone just sits a bit with them and start a conversation and ask them what they think.

Quite a big list I know 🙂
Would love to know your thoughts and if you would like to share about your lists of things that make you happy – do share your thoughts in the comments below or on my other social media outputs!

Links to:
– Monot Street Book Market: – hosted by Recto Verso
– BookYard:
– Lebanon Reforestation Initiative:
– Lebanon Recycling Directory:

Where you can find me:
– WordPress:
– Facebook:
– Instagram: White_paper_packages
– YouTube: White Paper Packages
– Twitter: @PackagesPaper
– Email:

Have a great day!

Marie-Christine Melhem.



What if Charles Helou Bus Station was a parking and we had ferries as modes of transportation?

What if: Charles Helou Bus Station’ empty space was a big parking spot and we had ferries for people and cars in Lebanon?

I am not an expert in the field but two topics have been toying in my head for a while.

Since my employment move in Gemmayze we have been struggling quite a lot with parking and traffic. And here lays right next to us the immense Charles Helou Bus Station (Gare Routiere Charles Helou). It is located on the northern side of Downtown Beirut, along the harbour – right under the major highway running to the North. Sadly, it is a deserted place, unused, closed with a few information booths open and ticket booth for the buses. There isn’t even a huge number of buses. Connexion has regular departures to Tripoli from here. It’s sadly desolate looking and forming a huge contrast with the modern highrises and even the traditional streets that bustle with life next to it and the Beirut Harbour itself.

A few years back, I freelanced for a while in Downtown and there was the availability of the parking next to Biel with at your disposal (you just pay your parking fee) with free shuttle buses that drive around Downtown and drop you to your office and back (depending at what time you finish your shift) to your car when you are done with your day.

It would be great if we can have that in Gemmayze / Achrafieh and in all the potential high traffic places. It would save people the stress of finding a parking spot or if their works provides then wonderful but if it’s not the case the parking facility and shuttle buses can do wonders. And let’s face it, with the daily stress we unfortunately fight with, this removed can be quite helpful and soothing to start the morning properly at work, don’t you think?

Whom can we talk to to propose this idea and implement it all over the country? I remember this was a topic placed on the table a few years back.
Beirut is not the only area that has a large traffic amount. The high traffic areas can be selected and this project implemented all over. We can lessen the traffic and be a bit happier, mech ghalat.

Separately, another idea popped in my mind as I went for a dive last Saturday. I remembered, during my trips to Canada, we took the ferry boats many times. Some of them were designed only to transport people and others that can transport people and cars. What if we could propose such a plan for the government? How and what are the steps? Let’s say we live in Tripoli, Jbeil or Saida and our work is in Beirut and (yaret) we had the option of bus, connexion and ferries (if we had cars or not). It can also go vice versa, with shifts and times. Of course if there are storms, this can be paused during these periods but we are a fairly sunny country so they can be used for a good time in the year…

Not only stress relieving but also we can enjoy seeing our beautiful coast from the side of the sea. It’s quite enchanting actually.

Whom can we address this? Mechanical engineers? Transport Specialists and Engineers? Honestly I am putting it out there and would love your input to see whom we can talk to, the specialists to prepare the plans and whom to go to for presenting the propositions in prayers and hopes for go-aheads. If we all want Lebanon to thrive, these few ideas can help tremendously.

An Interview with Andre Abi Awad – Entreprenergy | White Paper Packages

Hello everyone!

In this video, (click on video or this link:, I have done my first interview ever with Entreprenergy founder: Andre Abi Awad who was gracious and generous in his time, help, advices and tips for this first interview. Walking the talk, he aims to inspire and help people achieve goals and connect together to create businesses, boost ideas, etc…
Entreprenergy is a podcast and annual summit that unites established entrepreneurs with aspiring ones to connect and share experiences, support and advice. I truly hope you enjoy it – let us know your thoughts, likes and comments in the blog or YouTube channel!

To benefit from the discount go to : – Use the code: MC30
Note: At the time of filming this video and editing it, the date of the event moved from October to 18th and 19th of November, 2016.

Contacts and sites:

Andre Abi Awad:

White Paper Packages:
– Blog:
– YouTube – you can write White Paper Packages or click on the link:
– Instagram: white_paper_packages
– Twitter: @PackagesPaper
– Email:

Your feedback means a lot! Have a great weekend.